How to Engage Employees in Training Programs

Engagement is one of the most important things that can influence the success of training programs. To ensure the highest level of engagement, keep on reading, and we’ll share some of the best things to do.

1.  Make it Accessible

One of the most important for engaging training programs is accessibility. Gone were the days when training happens mostly in a classroom. Today, training can be conducted anytime and anywhere. This is possible with the use of eLearning software, such as what True Office Learning can provide. Employees will be more willing to participate if training is convenient for them.

2.  Break it Down

Employees lose interest in training programs often because it is overwhelming. To engage learners, it will help to break down the training materials into nuggets that will be easier to comprehend. For instance, rather than having an hour-long training video or thick training documents, consider microlearning as an alternative. This will break down the training materials into modules with lengths of three to five minutes. If you need help in implementing microlearning in employee training, check out True Office Learning, which is known for its compliance training programs.

3.  Know Their Needs

A good employee training program should start with a needs assessment. This will help in filling the gap between where the business currently is and where it wants to be. Employees will be more willing to participate in training programs if they see its value. Otherwise, they might see training as nothing but a waste of their time.

4.  Consider Gamification

To make sure that employee training will make an impact and that the participants will be engaged, incorporate elements of gamification. When training is fun, employees will be more involved. Having challenges, badges, leaderboards, and contests are some of the best ways to gamify employee training. This is also an effective way to promote healthy competition.

5.  Recognize and Reward Efforts

Motivation is a precursor of engagement in employee training. To keep employees motivated, offer recognition and rewards for their participation. Provide perks to those who will participate, especially for those who will demonstrate exceptional performance. From monetary benefits to leave credits, give employees reasons to participate in training.

6. Avoid a One-Size-Fits-All Approach

Training should not have a generic approach. As earlier mentioned, it should start with a needs assessment. When the company is aware of what the employees need, it will be easier to design effective training programs. The modules should be personalized based on individual needs.

7. Eliminate Fear

Employees are not engaged in training when they are scared. Many will see it as an experience similar to facing a terror professor. Make them feel comfortable throughout the training program. Create a non-intimidating environment.

Employee training fails because of several reasons, but one of the most common is the lack of engagement. To solve the latter, take note of our recommendations, such as improving accessibility, incorporating gamification, and eliminating fear, among other things.

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